
AI in Healthcare and Data Governance-Ethical Complexities

By Dr. Brett Coppenger and Dr. Samuel A. Taylor

Addressing the Complexity in Applying Ethical Principles to Artificial Intelligence within Healthcare and Data Governance

A version of this draft was presented at the DICB AIM AHEAD Workshop at Hilton Garden Inn, Orange Beach, Alabama, July 19-21, 2024. (Draft version. Work in Progress. Do not cite without permission.)

This paper explores the application of W.D. Ross’s pluralistic ethics to AI in healthcare and Data Governance, using Ross’s decision procedure to address the moral considerations in AI-driven decisions. We highlight the complexities of physician autonomy, AI transparency, and accountability, advocating Ross’s framework as a valuable tool for navigating contemporary ethical dilemmas in AI integration.

To read the full paper, find the working draft attached.

Addressing the Complexity in Applying Ethical Principles to Artificial Intelligence within Healthcare and Data Governance.pdf

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